Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 21 No 3 (2017): 745 - 753







(Pengoksidaan O3/S2O82- Terhadap Reactive Red 120: Kesan Parameter Operasi)


Siti Nasuha Sabri, Che Zulzikrami Azner Abidin*, Fahmi Muhammad Ridwan, Ong Soon An, Razi Ahmad,

Kow Su Huan


School of Environmental Engineering,

Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Jejawi 3, 02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 28 November 2016; Accepted: 5 February 2017




In this research, the decolourisation performance of Reactive Red 120 (RR120) in aqueous solution using O3/S2O82- was evaluated. RR120 was selected due to high solubility in the aquatic environment. Ozonation (O3) experiments were conducted as a control, to compare the treatment performance after addition of sodium persulphate. The aim of this research is to identify the effect of operational parameters of O3/S2O82- treatment on colour and COD removal. All experiments were carried out under continuous operation in a bubble column reactor. Operational parameters, namely initial dye concentration, S2O82- dosage, initial pH, and contact time, were manipulated to optimize the performance of O3/S2O82-. The effect of parameters on decolourisation performance was identified based on colour and COD removal. The performance of colour and COD removal in the O3 was also compared with O3/S2O82- treatment processes. The intermediates were characterized based on its spectra evolution via UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The findings showed on increases in S2O82- dosage that leads to an increase in the decolourisation efficiency. In addition, when the initial concentration increased to 300 mg/L, the decolourisation efficiency decreases as high concentration of azo bond cause the deficiency of the oxidation process.  The O3/S2O82- performance also improved in alkaline pH, in the presence of hydroxyl radical. By comparing these two treatments, O3/S2O82- obtained better removal efficiency in colour than O3.


Keywords:  O3/S2O82-, ozonation, decolourisation, Reactive Red 120, persulphate



Dalam kajian ini, prestasi penyingkiran warna O3/S2O82- dinilai terhadap Reactive Red 120 (RR120) dalam larutan akues. RR120 telah dipilih kerana keterlarutan tinggi dalam persekitaran akuatik. Eksperimen pengozonan (O3) telah dijalankan sebagai kawalan, untuk membandingkan prestasi rawatan selepas penambahan natrium persulfat. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti kesan parameter operasi rawatan O3/S2O82- terhadap penyingkiran warna dan COD. Eksperimen ini telah dijalankan di bawah operasi yang berterusan dalam reaktor turus panjang. Parameter operasi, iaitu kepekatan awal pewarna, dos S2O82-, pH awal, dan masa sentuhan, telah dimanipulasikan untuk mengoptimumkan prestasi O3/S2O82-. Kesan parameter terhadap prestasi penyingkiran telah dikenal pasti berdasarkan penyingkiran warna dan COD. Prestasi penyingkiran warna dan COD dalam O3 juga telah dibandingkan dengan proses rawatan O3/S2O82-. Perantaraan daripada RR120 telah dicirikan berdasarkan perubahan spektrum menerusi spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil kajian menunjukkan peningkatan dos O3/S2O82- membawa kepada peningkatan kecekapan penyingkiran warna. Di samping itu, apabila kepekatan awal RR120 meningkat kepada 300 mg/L, kecekapan peyingkiran warna turut berkurangan, kerana kepekatan ikatan azo meningkat menyebabkan proses pengoksidaan berkurangan. Prestasi O3/S2O82-juga bertambah baik pada pH alkali, dengan kehadiran radikal hidroksil. Dengan membandingkan kedua-dua perawatan, didapati O3/S2O82- mempunyai kecekapan penyingkiran warna yang lebih baik daripada O3.


Kata kunci:  O3/S2O82-, pengozonan, penyingkiran warna, Reactive Red 120, persulfat




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