Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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The competition is open to school students aged 13 to 16 years old of various programming skill levels from beginners who are new to game programming to experienced programmers.

It is specifically designed for beginners and novice programmers who want to learn as well as showcase their creativity and game development skills.

No problem. Participants may register as individuals or in groups.

Individual participants will be assigned in groups of five members during the first week of the program by the organizer.

Each group consists of five members who can be of different ages. Each member will be assigned a role to play as they collaborate to create the game. 

The roles are:

1. Digital Game Choreographer
2. Graphics Designer
3. Programmer 
4. Sound Editor
5. Digital Marketer

The Creative Novice Coder Cup 2023 competition will honor the top performers in each role. The award will be given to the individual associated with that role, regardless of how significant his or her contribution is to that role. 

Plan and think carefully before assigning each role within your group.

No prior experience is required. This program is designed for beginners who are new to programming or have limited experience. It's a perfect opportunity to learn, explore and create your own games.

In addition, each participant is required to use a device capable of programming-related exercises, such as a personal notebook, computer, tablet or pocket PC.
A stable internet connection is a must.

Each participant will receive:

1. Two units of self-exploration programming books for your self-experiential learning;

2. Online classroom enrollment with digital content access; and

3. Take part in the Creative Novice Coder Cup 2023 competition in January 2024, time subject to change

Participants are required to inform and obtain parental or guardian consent before enrolling in this program.

In addition to self-experiential learning using programming books and having access to digital materials in the classroom, each group will also be assigned with an experienced mentor through a dedicated online mentoring platform.

Green energy is any type of energy that is generated from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind or water. It often comes from renewable energy sources, although there are some differences between renewable and green energy. The key to these energy resources is that they don’t harm the environment through factors such as releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The theme for this year's competition is GREEN ENERGY, where the participants are required to design one (1) digital game application based on a concept related to green energy.

Games will be evaluated based on various criteria including creativity, gameplay mechanics, user experience, visual design and overall fun factor.

Our panel of judges will assess each game to determine the winners based on these criteria.

Yes, there will be exciting prizes awaiting for the winners. Each participant in the Creative Novice Coder Cup 2023 competition will receive a certificate.

The exact details of the prizes will be announced prior to the competition.

Regular updates, including competition announcements, deadlines, and other important information, will be shared on our website and through our official communication channels.

We recommend following our social media accounts and subscribing to our newsletter to stay informed about the latest updates.