16.01 - Bengkel Statistik dan Analisis Data Sains (Siri 1, 2 & 3)

Event Date: 26, 27 April 2016

Venue: Media Lab, 1st Level, Administrative Building, Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina UKM

Statistical Analysis and Data Science Workshop (SADS) Series is the first workshop organized by Program Pemerkasaan Kompetensi Akademik Siswa (PKAS) to improve graduate competency in mastering research skills. This workshop involves 3 series. First series of this workshop will focus on the fundamental statistical and data science knowledge. Second series of this workshop will focus on descriptive and inferential data analysis using analytical applications and the third series of this workshop focus on interpretation scientific data science output and academic report. These workshops are hands-on guidance by skilled speaker and group of facilitators.

Activity Info

Mas Ayu Othman
Post Graduate Students
Bahasa Melayu

Topic: Workshop Series (Other)

Objectives of this workshop:

  1. To introduce data engineering field to graduates students.
  2. To strengthening basic statistical knowledge based on SPSS applications to graduates students.
  3. To Empowers the ability of graduates students to analyze data using SPSS applications.
  4. To empower graduates skill in interpretation data science outcome and academic report.
  5. To strengthening the ability of graduate students in data analysis through hands-on training.