16.02 Data Processing & Management Workshop Series 1

Event Date: 24 - 26 May 2016

Venue: Perpustakaan Lingkungan 2, UKM

The Introduction to MATLAB Workshop cover a variety of basic MATLAB topics. It mainly focus on the basic data management, processing and analysis using MATLAB. It include data import/ export (ex:txt,xls and etc to MATLAB and vice versa), loading techniques, introduction to variables, plotting, function and writing scripts. Participant gain experience through simple analytic example through hand on experience.

Activity Info

Raska Urzoshi Khandker
Post Graduate Students

Topic: Workshop Series (Other)

Objectives of this workshop:

  1. To Introduce basic topic in MATLAB
  2. To Strengthen basic data analysis techniques
  3. To provide practical "hands-on experience in MATLAB to strengthen the ability in analyzing the data.