Sains Malaysiana 50(8)(2021): 2167-2178


Agro-ecological Characterization of Vermicomposted Sewage Sludge from Municipal and Poultry Enterprise Wastewater Treatment Plants

(Pencirian Agro-ekologi Lumpur Kumbahan Vermikompos daripada Perbandaran dan Loji Rawatan Sisa Air Perusahaan Penternakan)




Trakia University, Faculty of Agriculture, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


Received: 25 March 2020/Accepted: 25 December 2020



The purpose of this study was to make an agro-ecological characterization of vermicompost (VC) produced from sewage sludge (SS). As a substrate, SS from municipal and poultry meat processing enterprise wastewater treatment plants (MTP and PTP, respectively) was utilized. The substrates were vermicomposted by Red Californian earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus) for 120 days. For VC quality assessment, 19 physicochemical and 6 microbiological parameters were used. The evaluation of physicochemical parameters was done according to ISO standard methods and microbiological analysis-by plating 1 mL of sample dilutions on selective, chromogenic culture medium sheets. It was found that the vermicompost from MTP (VC-M) had higher levels of EC, mineral elements (N, P and K compounds in forms available to plants), heavy metals (Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd) and coliforms, and lower levels of pH, TOC, C/N ratio, Fe, total plate count (TPC), Enterobacteriaceae and Salmonella spp. counts compared to VC from PTP (VC-P). During the vermicomposting process, the substrates from both wastewater treatment plants (TPs) showed similar trends towards decrease in pH, TOC, N-NH4+, C/N ratio, TPC, coliforms, E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae and Salmonella spp. counts, whereas the opposite trends were established for EC, TKN, N-NO3-, TP, P2O5, TK, and K2O values. The vermicomposting had a negligible effect on heavy metal concentrations. In the final substrates E. coli were not detected, while the bacterial spore forms (Clostridium perfringens) were not eliminated. The final substrates cannot be used as fertilizers or soil amendments because of the presence of Salmonella spp. and C. perfringens over the permissible limits according to EU and Bulgarian regulations.

Keywords: Lumbricus rubellus; physicochemical and microbiological parameters; sewage sludge; vermicompost



Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk membuat pencirian agro-ekologi vermikompos (VC) yang dihasilkan daripada enap cemar kumbahan (SS). Sebagai substrat, SS daripada loji pengolahan air sisa perusahaan pemprosesan daging perbandaran dan unggas (MTP dan PTP) digunakan. Substrat dikomposkan oleh cacing tanah California Merah (Lumbricus rubellus) selama 120 hari. Untuk penilaian kualiti VC, 19 parameter fizikokimia dan 6 mikrobiologi digunakan. Penilaian parameter fizikokimia dilakukan mengikut kaedah piawaian ISO dan analisis mikrobiologi dengan meletakkan 1 mL pelarutan sampel pada kepingan medium kultur kromogen terpilih. Didapati bahawa vermikompos daripada MTP (VC-M) mempunyai tahap EC yang lebih tinggi, unsur mineral (sebatian N, P dan K dalam bentuk yang tersedia untuk tanaman), logam berat (Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd) dan koliform, dan tahap pH, TOC, C/N ratio yang lebih rendah, Fe, jumlah plat keseluruhan (TPC), Enterobacteriaceae dan Salmonella spp. kiraan berbanding VC dari PTP (VC-P). Semasa proses vermikompos, substrat daripada kedua-dua loji rawatan air sisa (TP) menunjukkan kecenderungan serupa terhadap penurunan pH, TOC, N-NH4+, C/N ratio, TPC, coliforms, E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae dan Salmonella spp. penting, sedangkan arah aliran yang berlawanan telah ditetapkan untuk nilai EC, TKN, N-NO3-, TP, P2O5, TK dan K2O. Pengkomposan mempunyai kesan yang tidak dapat diabaikan pada kepekatan logam berat. Pada substrat akhirE. coli tidak dikesan, sementara bentuk spora bakteria (Clostridium perfringens) tidak dihilangkan. Substrat akhir tidak boleh digunakan sebagai baja atau perubahan tanah kerana adanya Salmonella spp. dan C. perfringens melebihi had yang dibenarkan mengikut peraturan EU dan Bulgaria.

Kata kunci: Lumbricus rubellus; parameter fizikokimia dan mikrobiologi; sisa kumbahan; vermikompos



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