Sains Malaysiana 44(4)(2015): 565–569


Comparison of the Performance of MR-deDuster with Other Conventional Cyclones

(Perbandingan Prestasi MR-deDuster dengan Siklon Konvensional Lain)





Air Resources Research Laboratory, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology

54100 UTM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 20 Ogos 2014/Diterima: 7 November 2014




A new type of cyclone design configuration called MR-deDuster, which contains multi cyclone, has been developed. A theoretical study had been carried out to evaluate and predict the performance of a MR-deDuster. In this paper, a comparative study was done to investigate the performance of MR-deDuster with other conventional cyclones in terms of collection efficiency and pressure drop. The performance of MR-deDuster was measured by its collection efficiency based on the particle size distribution of activated carbon. It was found that MR-deDuster is able to collect as high as 94% of PM10 which is high comparing with many other conventional cyclones. In addition, the pressure drop of the unit is relatively low compared to the other cyclones which highlight the ability of the unit to capture the fine particle at low pressure drop.


Keywords: Air pollution; cyclone efficiency; dust emission; multi-cyclones; pressure drop



Sejenis konfigurasi reka bentuk siklon baru yang dikenali sebagai MR-deDuster yang mengandungi pelbagai siklon, telah dibangunkan. Suatu kajian teori telah dijalankan untuk menilai dan meramalkan prestasi MR-deDuster. Dalam kertas ini, suatu kajian perbandingan telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji prestasi MR-deDuster dengan siklon konvensional lain daripada segi kecekapan pungutan dan kejatuhan tekanan. Prestasi MR-deDuster diukur melalui kecekapan kutipan berdasarkan agihan saiz zarah karbon diaktifkan. Didapati bahawa MR-deDuster mampu untuk mengumpul setinggi 94% PM10 jika dibandingkan dengan siklon konvensional lain. Di samping itu, penurunan tekanan bagi unit ini adalah agak rendah berbanding siklon lain yang menyerlahkan keupayaan unit untuk menangkap zarah halus pada tekanan rendah.


Kata kunci: Kecekapan siklon; pancaran habuk; pelbagai siklon; pencemaran udara; penurunan tekanan


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