Sains Malaysiana 44(5)(2015): 701–706


New Lipase Producing β-proteobacteria Strains Caldimonas sp. and Tepidimonas sp. Isolated from a Malaysian Hot Springs

(Lipase Baharu yang Dihasilkan oleh β-proteobakteria Caldimonas sp. and Tepidimonas sp. Dipencilkan daripada Kolam Air Panas di Malaysia)




Department of Biotechnology, Kulliyyah of Science,International Islamic University Malaysia

Kuantan Campus, Jalan Istana, Bandar Indera Mahkota ,25200 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur



Diserahkan: 18 April 2013/Diterima: 13 Januari 2015



Microbial lipolytic enzymes have attracted considerable attention owing to their biotechnological potential. In this study, thermophilic bacteria producing lipase were isolated from Bentong and Sungai Lembing hot springs, in Pahang, Malaysia. Out of 25 colonies isolated, 14 samples showed to produce clear zones surrounding the growth on tributyrin and trioelin agar plates. All 14 isolates showed Gram-negative bacteria with short rod morphology. PCR amplification of 16S ribosomal DNA gene showed that these isolates were clustered with subclass β-proteobacteria consisting of thermophilic bacteria that produce lipase. Phylogenetic analysis was carried out with the highly similar species and 4 isolates (SglA1, BtnC1, BtnC2 and BtnC3) are related to genus Caldimonas and 10 isolates (SglB1, SglB2, SglB3, SglB4, BtnB1, BtnB2 BtnD1, BtnD2, BtnD3 and BtnD4) belonged to genus Tepidimonas. These results indicated that novel lipase-producing thermophilic β-proteobacteria could be isolated from these hot springs.


Keywords: β-proteobacteria; hot spring; slightly thermophilic; thermostable lipase



Enzim lipolisis daripada mikrob telah menerima banyak perhatian kerana potensinya dalam bidang bioteknologi. Dalam kajian ini, bakteria termofili yang menghasilkan lipase telah dipencilkan daripada kolam air panas Bentong dan Sungai Lembing di Pahang, Malaysia. Daripada 25 sampel pencilan, sebanyak 14 pencilan telah menunjukkan kehadiran zon-zon cerah sekitar koloni yang hidup di atas plat-plat agar tributirin dan triolein. Kesemua pencilan ini menunjukkan kehadiran bakteria Gram negatif yang memiliki morfologi rod pendek. Hasil amplifikasi DNA secara PCR pada gen 16S ribosom, pencilan ini didapati tergolong dalam kumpulan β-proteobakteria, yang menghasilkan enzim lipase. Hasil analisis filogenetik menunjukkan 4 pencilan (SglA1, BtnC1, BtnC2 dan BtnC3) tergolong dalam genus Caldimonas dan 10 lagi pencilan (SglB1, SglB2, SglB3, SglB4, BtnB1, BtnB2 BtnD1, BtnD2, BtnD3 dan BtnD4) adalah daripada genus Tepdimonas. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan β-proteobakteria yang termofili menghasilkan lipase yang agak baharu telah dipencilkan daripada kolam-kolam air panas ini.


Kata kunci: β-proteobakteria; kolam air panas; lipase; sedikit termofili; termostabil


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