Sains Malaysiana 47(11)(2018): 2589–2600
Quality Influences on Fish Occurrence in Peat Swamp Forest and Its
Converted Areas in North Selangor, Malaysia
Kualiti Air ke atas Keterdapatan Ikan di Hutan Paya Gambut dan Kawasan
Tukaran di Utara Selangor,
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan,
2Department of Integrated Science, School of
Science, Kogi State College of Education, PMB 1033 Ankpa, Nigeria
Diserahkan: 9 Oktober 2016/Diterima:
20 Julai 2018
Tropical peat swamp forest (PSF) is one of the most endangered
ecosystems in the world. However, the impacts of anthropogenic activities
in PSF and its conversion area towards fish biodiversity are
less understood. This study investigates the influences of water
physico-chemical parameters on fish occurrences in peat swamp, paddy
field and oil palm plantation in the North Selangor peat swamp forest
Selangor, Malaysia. Fish and water samples were collected from four
sites located in the peat swamps, while two sites were located in
the paddy field and oil palm plantation areas. Multivariate analyses
were used to determine the associations between water qualities
and fish occurrences in the three habitats. A total of 1,382 individual
fish, belonging to 10 families, 15 genera and 20 species were collected.
The family Cyprinidae had the highest representatives, followed
by Bagridae and Osphronemidae. The most abundant species was Barbonymus
schwanefeldii (Bleeker 1854), while the least abundant was Wallago
leerii Bleeker, 1851. The paddy field and oil palm plantation
area recorded significantly higher fish diversity and richness relative
to peat swamp (p<0.05). The water physico-chemical parameters,
such as pH, DO,
NH3-N, PO4, SO4,
and Cl2 showed no significant difference
between paddy field and oil palm plantation (p>0.05),
but was significantly different from the peat swamp (p<0.05).
However, no water quality parameter was consistently observed to
be associated with fish occurrences in all of the three habitats,
but water temperature, NH3-N,
Cl2, SO4,
and EC were at least associated with fish occurrences in two
habitats studied. This study confirmed that each habitat possess
different water quality parameters associated with fish occurrences.
Understanding all these ecological aspects could help future management
and conservation of NSPSF.
Keywords: Fish occurrences; oil palm plantation; paddy field; peat
swamp forest; water physico-chemical
Hutan paya gambut tropika (PSF) ialah salah satu ekosistem
yang semakin terancam di dunia. Walau bagaimanapun, kesan daripada
aktiviti antropogenik dalam PSF dan kawasan tukaran terhadap
kepelbagaian biologi ikan masih kurang difahami. Penyelidikan ini
mengkaji tentang pengaruh parameter fiziko-kimia air terhadap keterdapatan
ikan di paya gambut, sawah padi dan ladang kelapa sawit di Hutan
Paya Gambut Utara Selangor (NSPSF), Selangor, Malaysia. Sampel ikan dan air telah diambil
dari empat tapak yang terletak di paya gambut, dua tapak masing-masing
terletak di kawasan sawah padi dan ladang kelapa sawit. Analisis
multivariat telah digunakan untuk menentukan kaitan antara kualiti
air dan keterdapatan ikan di tiga habitat. Sebanyak 1,382 individu
ikan, milik 10 famili, 15 genus dan 20 spesies telah dikumpul. Famili
Cyprinidae mempunyai wakil yang tertinggi, diikuti oleh Bagridae
dan Osphronemidae. Spesies paling banyak adalah Barbonymus schwanefeldii (Bleeker 1854),
manakala spesies paling sedikit adalah Wallago leerii Bleeker, 1851. Kawasan sawah padi
dan ladang kelapa sawit mencatatkan kepelbagaian ikan jauh lebih
tinggi dan kaya berbanding dengan paya gambut (p<0.05).
Parameter fisiko-kimia air seperti pH, DO, NH3-N,
PO4 dan SO4 dan
Cl2 tidak menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan antara
sawah padi dan ladang kelapa sawit (p>0.05), tetapi berbeza
secara ketara daripada paya gambut (p<0.05). Walau bagaimanapun,
tiada parameter kualiti air diperhatikan secara konsisten boleh
dikaitkan dengan keterdapatan ikan dalam kesemua tiga habitat, tetapi
suhu air, NH3-N,
Cl2, SO4 dan
sekurang-kurangnya dikaitkan dengan keterdapatan ikan
dalam dua habitat yang dikaji. Kajian ini mengesahkan bahawa setiap
habitat mempunyai parameter kualiti air yang berbeza yang berkait
rapat dengan keterdapatan ikan. Memahami kesemua aspek ekologi akan
membantu masa depan pengurusan dan pemuliharaan NSPSF.
Kata kunci: Fiziko-kimia air; hutan paya gambut; keterdapatan ikan;
ladang kelapa sawit; sawah padi
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