Genomic & Proteomic Laboratory

Model: SBH130D
Brand: Stuart
Block Heater Digital
Status: Available
Designed for the precise heating of test-tubes, micro centrifuge tubes and cuvettes and microtitre plates.

Number of blocks = 2
Temperature range = Ambient +8°C to 130°C
Temp. stability at 37°C = ±0.1°C
Max Temp (Dry Block) = 130°C
Min Temp (Dry Block) = 33°C
Model: Bio Rad
Gel Electrophoresis
Status: Avaibale
The Buehler Automatic Precision Sectioning Saw Isomet 4000 is a precision cutter for low-deformation cutting of a range of materials. The automatic cutting machine offers a versatile cutting system controlling all major parameters such as speed feed and wheel speed. High-quality cutting is achieved by optimizing the cutting parameters and offering coolant to ensure no overheating of the cut.


Linear Precision Cutting Saw
Power - 220-240V
Arbor Size - 12.7mm
Max Blade Speed 200 - 5000 rpm
Max Feed Rate - 0.75in/min [19 mm]
Power 1.25 HP
Dimensions - 550x750x450mm
Weight - 56kg
Model: Daigger
Heated Platform Rocker
Status: Available
Model: Thermo Scientific Heraeus Fresco 21
Refrigerated Microcentrifuge
Status: Available
Model: Bio-Rad 185-5096
Multicolour Real-Time PCR
Status: Avaibale
Model: Schoner 600 PCR-H
PCR Workstation
Status: Available
Model: RV10/IKA
Rotary Evaporator
Status: Available
Model: BioRad C1000
Thermal Cycler C1000
Status: Available
Model: Thermo ND2000
Nanodrop Spectrophotometer
Status: Available
Model: M-20 Daigger
UV Transilluminator
Status: Currently Under maintenance
Model: Gene Flash
Brand: Syngene
Gene Flash System
Status: Currently Under Maintenance
Gel imaging systems, also known as gel documentation systems or gel docs, refers to equipment widely used in molecular biology laboratories for capturing high-quality images of nucleic acid and protein suspended within electrophoresis polyacrylamide or agarose gels/plate/membrane, western blots, as well as other samples like culture plates, in order to obtain a visual record of their results for further archiving, analysis, and data sharing. Generally, a gel doc includes an ultraviolet (UV) light transilluminator, a hood or a darkroom to shield external light sources and protect the user from UV exposure, a computer, software and a high-performance CCD camera for image capturing. Digital imaging of gels not only provides the benefits of convenient and effective data storage, but also allows advanced quantification and analysis.


CCD-based gel documentation system 8-bit
768 X 582 pixel black-and-white camera with a microprocessor-controlled dark room
accepts most small-to-medium bench-top UV transilluminators (up to 25 X 30 cm gels)
large sliding door in the darkroom allows for easy access of the transilluminator
dark room features integrated color LCD display 8-key panel controls the camera, printer, saves files, and changes system settings
On-Off buttons located on front of dark room enclosure