Specialist Clinic

Specialist Clinic


Our specialist clinic offers a wide array of treatments to address various dental needs.


In the field of Prosthodontics/Restorative dentistry, services include Aesthetic Fillings, Crown & Bridges, Veneers, and Teeth Whitening to restore and enhance the appearance of teeth.


Orthodontic treatments such as Braces, Clear Aligners, and Retainers are provided to address misalignment issues and improve the alignment of teeth.


Endodontic procedures, specifically Root Canal Treatment, are offered to save and restore teeth affected by deep decay or infection.


Periodontal care at the clinic encompasses Scaling & Polishing, Gum Surgery, and Dental Implant procedures aimed at maintaining healthy gums and addressing gum disease.


Oral & Maxillofacial treatments involve various procedures including Dental Implants, Wisdom Teeth Surgery, and Jaw Surgery to address complex dental issues.


Furthermore, the clinic offers specialised dental services for children through Paediatric Dentistry, ensuring that youngsters receive appropriate and gentle dental care.


The clinic also provides expertise in Oral Medicine & Oral Pathology to diagnose and manage conditions such as ulcers and precancerous lesions.


Dental Radiology services involve advanced imaging technologies like CBCT/X-ray Interpretation/Reports to aid in precise diagnosis and treatment planning.


Additionally, Dental Public Health services offer general dental advice and support for tobacco cessation to promote overall oral health and well-being.




Main registration counter

+603-9289 7741 / 7742


Main Specialists Clinic Registration Counter

+603-9289 7808


Oral Surgery Clinic

+603-9289 7732


Radiology Unit

+603-9289 7853


Prosthodontics Specialist Clinic

+603-9289 7804


Restorative Specialist Clinic

+603-9289 7785


Endodontics Specialist Clinic

+603-9289 7777


Paediatrics Specialist Clinic

+603-9289 7810


Periodontics Specialist Clinic

+603-9289 7813


Orthodontics Specialist Clinic

+603-9289 7793


Preventive Clinic

+603-9289 7807